Safety, environmental & quality policy
Sealife Saving Technology
Our mission is to end negative interactions between marine life and human activity, by developing ecological sustainable solutions that are economically attractive for the end user.
Safety policy
The Management team is committed to the safety policy and will provide the resources, consistent with operating a safe, efficient and commercially sustainable business, to enable all team members to be committed to:
Promoting a culture that does not compromise on safety;
Providing a safe working environment for all employees, customers, and partners;
Complying with applicable operational procedures, regulatory and statutory obligations and encouraging a culture of exceeding the level of minimum compliance, where appropriate, including awareness and recognition of opportunities to improve safety in the workplace and incorporating this into our processes;
Managing all hazards based on the principles of risk management;
Providing adequate information, instruction, training and supervision to ensure health and safety at work which includes ensuring that all colleagues and contractors are competent to perform their work;
Reporting all incidents, conducting thorough incident investigations and implementing corrective actions;
The rehabilitation of injured workers;
Promoting health, safety and environmental practices with our customers, partners, and stakeholders.
Environmental policy
The management team is committed to the environmental policy, by personal involvement in its creation and commitment of appropriate resources for its implementation. SaveWave staff will be appropriately trained and informed of the personal and business benefits of effective and environmental management.
We will provide the resources, consistent with operating a safe, efficient and commercially sustainable business, to enable all employees to be committed to:
Complying with applicable environmental procedures, regulatory and statutory obligations, and encouraging a culture of exceeding the level of minimum compliance, where appropriate;
Protection and conservation of assets, including property and the environment in a commercially sustainable manner;
Manage our environmental impact by systematically identifying environmental hazards and processes, the risks they present and then establishing methods to control or eliminate them;
Reduce pollution, emissions and waste, and reuse or recycle as much as is possible;
Considering the life cycle of our systems and designing them to be as sustainable as possible;
Integrate the consideration of environmental concerts and impacts into our decision making and activities;
Train, educate and inform our colleagues on environmental issues that may affect their work;
Promote environmental awareness among our employees and encourage them to work in an environmentally responsible manner;
Communicate our environmental commitment to our clients and encourage their support;
Quality policy
To achieve the required level of quality assurance and control of products of SaveWave, the management team will provide the resources, consistent with operating a safe, efficient and commercially sustainable business, to enable all employees to be committed to:
Compliance to all statutory requirements regarding quality assurance and quality control;
Apply recognized techniques and practices to manage product quality;
Design, fabricate and maintain its products according to well documented and sufficiently specified requirements that are prepared and agreed upon prior to entering the applicable product life cycle phase;
Design and fabricate products that meet their technical life-time set in the requirements;
Traceability of its products regarding used materials, components and critical fabrication, testing and repair methods;
Compliance to quality standards is independently checked and non-conformities are adequately addressed and dealt with;
Continuously improve the quality system, and distribute knowledge and awareness regarding quality throughout the company to increase personal accountability;
Provide clear communication to all involved personnel with regards to his or her responsibility and accountability in meeting SaveWave’s quality standards;
Alignment between all organizational functions impacting product quality;
These policies will be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that it is appropriately implemented and continues to improve our requirements and performance.